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Trade marking your business can save you a lot!

Many small business owners delay trade marking their business names – and other key business ‘marks’, like logos and catchphrases, only to regret the decision when legal challenges arise. Failing to act early in the trade marking arena can be costly, time consuming and may cause confusion that impacts your business’ growth. Your organisation’s trading name and logo are essential ways consumers and other companies identify your business and help create goodwill for your brand. Losing the opportunity to use these after you’ve built up goodwill is, therefore, very challenging and potentially expensive.

Pop star’s trade mark loss shows brand protection is key.

Pop star Katy Perry has lost a trade mark battle with Australian fashion designer Katie Perry, which underscores the importance of the trade mark registration process to protect brands worldwide. Late last week, a judge ruled the American singer-songwriter did indeed breach the fashion designer’s trade mark when she sold clothing for her 2014 concert tour of Australia. Damages are yet to be decided but Katy Perry’s company will soon learn what compensation it must pay, and it could be costly.

Are your Managed Services Agreements up to date?

A Managed Services Agreement (MSA) covers the terms and conditions of IT managed services providers (MSPs). These agreements address the customers’ IT needs, such as software support and maintenance, data storage, recovery and backup, network monitoring cloud services and more. Recent large-scale cyberattacks and privacy breaches impacting millions of Australian Medibank and Optus customers have highlighted just how critical it is to have clear agreements in place. These legal agreements – or contracts – offer vital protection for MSPs by outlining the details of an IT company’s relationship with its clients. Ultimately, these terms and conditions aim to reduce the likelihood of being sued by your customers and limit your liability in disputes.

Trade Mark Registration – Protect Your Brand Starting Today

A trade mark lawyer assists business owners in registering their trade marks. Registering a trade mark is an effective way for your business to protect its brand. You can read our article “Trade Marks and Brand Protection” by clicking here if you would like to learn what a trade mark is. A trade mark specialist can submit applications for trade marks on your behalf, as well as address any opposition claims made against your application and any other issues that may arise in an adverse report during the application process.

Trade Mark Searches – A Guideline for Conducting Trade Mark Searches Internationally

If you are looking to expand your business internationally, or intend to in the future, it’s important to trade mark your business name and products in every country you intend to operate in. This allows you to protect your brand from being used by someone else and enables you to defend a claim if a competitor overseas claims you are breaching their trade mark. Whenever your business expands to a new country, you will need to conduct a trade mark search on the relevant country's intellectual property office website to ensure there are no conflicting trade marks registered in that country. You can find this using the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) directory.